How to Download and Install Anaconda on Windows

2 minute read

download install anaconda windows

This guide will help you learn to setup the Anaconda distribution for Python on Windows.

In record time.

So without further ado, let’s get started…

What is Anaconda?

Anaconda is a distribution of the Python and R programming languages. It focuses on data science and machine learning related applications.

The distribution includes more than 250 popular data science packages.

Anaconda is free and open source and maintained by Anaconda Inc. A software development and consulting company based in Austin, Texas, USA.

Step #1: Download

Head over to the Anaconda for Windows download page.

Verify your windows bit version and click on the corresponding link.

In this guide, we will download the 64-bit installer.

At the time of writing the latest stable Anaconda release was version 5.2.0.

anaconda download graphical installer

Wait for the download to complete.

Step #2: Install

Open the location of the downloaded executable.

anaconda downloaded installer

Double-click it to run the installer.

On Windows 10 a pop-up window will appear: The app you're trying to install isn't a verified app from the Store

Click on Install anyway.

windows 10 install app not in store

The Anaconda installer will start.

Click Next.

anaconda 11 installer start

Click on I Agree to accept the license agreement.

anaconda license agreement

Select if you want to install for the current user or all users on the system.

Installing for all users requires Windows Administrator privileges.

In this tutorial, we keep the recommended setting of Just Me.

Click Next.

anaconda installation type

You can change the installation location by clicking on the Browse… button.

Do not install Anaconda in a directory that contains spaces or special characters.

For this example, we keep the default install location in the user’s home folder.

anaconda install location

Choose if you want to add Anaconda to your PATH environment variable.

We recommend that you do not add Anaconda to the PATH environment variable. The reason for this is that it can interfere with other software.

Choose whether you want to register Anaconda as your default Python environment.

Leave the Register Anaconda as my default Python 3.6 box checked. Unless you plan on installing and running multiple versions of Anaconda. Or in case you need to use multiple versions of Python.

Click Install to start the installation.

anaconda advanced options

The Anaconda installation will now start.

A progress bar shows the various steps that are executed.

anaconda installer progress

Once the installation is complete, click Next.


You can now also install the Microsoft Visual Code editor. This is an optional step.

In this guide, we install Anaconda without Microsoft VSCode.

Click Skip.

Check following post for a detailed guide on how to install Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.

anaconda visual code installation

Click Finish to complete the installation.

anaconda installation complete

Step #3: Run

Let’s verify the installation.

Click on the Windows button and look for Anaconda menu item. Open it and click on the Anaconda Navigator shortcut.

anaconda navigator shortcut

Navigator should now open as shown below.

anaconda navigator

Congratulations, you have installed Anaconda on Windows 10!

Now take the next step and learn how to get started with Anaconda.

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