How to Download and Install Atom on Windows

1 minute read

download install atom windows

This is a quick guide on how to download and install Atom on Windows.

You’ll love the clear step-by-step approach in this tutorial.


What is Atom?

Atom is an open source text editor that works on different operating systems. It contains features like auto-completion and code navigation.

The team behind GitHub develops and maintains Atom.

Step #1: Download

Head over to the Atom latest release page on GitHub.

Check your windows bit version and click on the corresponding link under the Assets section:

  • For 32-bit = AtomSetup.exe
  • For 64-bit = AtomSetup-x64.exe

In this guide, we will download the 64-bit version.

At the time of writing the latest stable Atom release was version: 1.30.0.

atom latest release page

Wait for the download to complete.

Step #2: Install

Open the location of the downloaded executable.

atom downloaded installer

Double-click it to run the installer.

On Windows 10 a pop-up window will appear: The app you're trying to install isn't a verified app from the Store

Click on Install anyway.

windows 10 install app not in store

The installer will open and start the setup.

atom installer progress

The setup program will install Atom, add the atom and apm commands to your Windows PATH variable. It will also create shortcuts on your desktop and in the start menu.

Once the installation is complete, Atom will launch.

Step #3: Run

To start Atom double-click on the desktop shortcut.

atom desktop shortcut

The Welcome Guide editor should now open as shown below.

atom welcome guide

Congratulations, you have installed Atom on Windows 10!

Now go ahead and learn some Atom basics.

Have fun coding!

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